Inner Child

Inner Child

Why did I go backwards? said Pippi, don't we live in a free country? Aren't we allowed to walk as we please? 

I create the world - widdewidde  how I like  it....

Go ahead and sing, I'm recovering a bit now, said Pippi, too much learning can ruin even the healthiest of people.

Being lazy is wonderful. And then you also have to have time to just sit there and look in front of you.

Come on, said Pippi,  if the heart is only warm and beats as it should, then you don't freeze.

From 'Pippi Longstocking' (Astrid Lindgren)



Papagena 2022
wite porcelain stoneware, glazed, bright gold,
23k leaf gold,cloth,waxed
24 x 24 x 21 cm

I want to make you smile! 2024
terra cotta porcelain stoneware
Underglaze, 23k gold leaf, waxed
21 x 21 x 20 cm

Daisy 2022
white porcelain stoneware, glazed, bright gold,
crystal stones, waxed
24 x 21 x 17 cm